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I am Aneta, an Intuitive Coach, and a behaviour and embodiment expert.  


I started Embliss out of a passion for people, and my deep desire to help others awaken their true magnificence and inner natural power in order to experience the richness & fullness of their life. 


Enjoying Life, Harmony and Positive Mind Concept. Stack of Stable Pebble Stone with Smilin

Since a young age, I have been fascinated by the human mind and why we act in the way that we do. This led me to study this area in more depth and it has become a life's passion for me.  Nowadays, I am fascinated about creative intuition which provides us with a broader perspective and self-awareness on our lives.

I am at my best self when I give myself time to enjoy the here and now.  It is important to me to have a good laugh with my friends or watch a good stand up comedy show. I believe when we can allow ourselves to laugh unapologetically we connect with our true nature and our best self comes out naturally and effortlessly.


I love to bring this side of me into my coaching which when combined with my knowledge and my highly nurturing side, creates the most suitable environment for a very deep and transformational work.  This delivers lasting results.


The education and study that I have undertaken to become the Coach has been very empowering and a gift to myself and others close to me.  The impact on me, my life, and my relationships has been greater than I could ever have imagined.   It has been a very humbling lesson which has taught me to respect my truth and the truth of others. 


  • I have a life long interest in Jungian Psychology and Eastern wisdom including the study of neuropsychology and neurodevelopment, as well as embodiment principles and dream meaning.  


  • Lately I have been working with feminine and masculine energies to transform ourselves, our life & create healthier relationships with a deeply felt connection that lasts.






Yoga at Home



  • I am accredited Coach with Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado at The Center of Jungian Positive Psychology & CreativeMindProcess -


  • I am accredited in non-linear body movement techniques.







Embliss Coaching

32 Orbis Wharf, Bridges Court Road, Battersea, London, SW11 3GW


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