Finding Love
Are you feeling lonely, unhappy and tired of being single? Do you find yourself being attracted to the wrong types of partners– the unavailable, the non-committal or those that pull away?
At Embliss we explore your psyche to understand how you might be sabotaging your potential relationships. With this insight we can furnish you with the tools that allow you to create the extraordinary relationship with your future soul mate.
We do this by teaching you powerful self-awareness techniques, so that you learn how your childhood conditioning and love shadow have created blind spots that hamper you. We will also explore your feminine and masculine archetypes and create new neuropathways to take control of who you attract.
Lasting Relationships
Do you find that your relationship is no longer how it used to be? Do you feel as if you no longer get what you need from your partner? Is your partner pulling away from you?
At Embliss we are experienced at turning conflict into opportunity so that relationships with intimacy, trust and security can be restored. Most importantly we bring the fun and passion back to the partnership.
We help you achieve this by exploring masculine and feminine needs and the differences in how men and women think, communicate and approach life. Ignoring these can lead you to hijack your relationship and leave you unhappy and disconnected. We will equip you with effective communication techniques to help you be understood by men.
Becoming an Extraordinary Self
Do you ever lack self-assurance, or doubt yourself? Do you find that you are unable to fully express yourself when you need to? Do you sometimes feel like an imposter?
At Embliss, we have experience of helping clients to reclaim their natural confidence and to be comfortable in their own skin, so that they can freely express themselves. We have helped clients to get what they truly want from their lives and enjoy their unique nature.
We help clients achieve this by using intuition, archetypes, embodiment and non-linear movement techniques to free them from past conditioning and connect with their true extraordinary nature. We have also explored unique needs, and ways of fulfilling these so that clients can empower themselves to shine.
Creating a Passionate & Fulfilling Career
You have big dreams but you keep playing small and finding excuses not to go for what you want and you doubt that you can create what you want? Do you want to transform your life?
We have had experience of helping people to change the quality of their life and enjoy greater success, joy and fulfilment. We have also reconnected them with their intuition and used it to direct them through life to what they want regardless of obstacles
We do this with the unique 3 step formula:
Awareness - become aware how you let your unconscious emotions sabotage your successes so you stop going through your life blind
Purpose - find what is your true passion and heart's desire.
Creativity - learn unique creative processes to step outside of what has been possible so far and learn how embodying the emotion of your end result will you directly to what you want to create in your life without sabotaging yourself.
Workshops and Presentations
At Embliss we work with Intuitive techniques, Archetypes and non-linear movement techniques to provide bespoke workshops and presentations for specific audiences.